Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Going home for Christmas!

We are starting to pack because we are going home for Christmas! This will probably be my last post until after the holidays, so Happy Holidays to all!!!!

Even though we will not be here we could not do without a tree. So, our tree is small, but the heart and spirit that was put into was not.

These are the kids advent calendars. They used them to count down until we go home. The ones in the back were new for us this year. I had never seen them in the States, although they may have them. They have little toys in each day. It makes it fun!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Today is St. Nicholas Day!
St. Nicholas Day is widely celebrated here in Germany and many other European countries. It is a common tradition to put candies and fruits in the shoes of the children on this day. The things that you see in the picture were placed outside of our door near our shoes this morning (by a dear friend and one of St. Nicholas's helpers).
There are a variety of chocolates inside the stockings. Yum Yum