Hello friends, family and followers. I finally have internet and am ready to start blogging.
We have meet a very patient nice German gentleman named Nelson. Nelson works for for a phone and internet provider here in Germany. He has kindly explained to us how the internet and phone systems work in Germany. After reviewing and singing a Germany written phone and internet contract and having Nelson assured us that we had not signed our kids over to the Germany government, we patiently awaited our internet devices. The good news is that internet is significantly cheaper in Germany. When we told him how surprised we were, he said "This is Germany". To have wireless service, a land-line phone connection and three Sim cards for cell phones it will only cost us 45 Eros for the month. That is approx. $65.
Ok, so this is the goal of my blog. I hope to share with everyone my experiences of moving to Germany with my family. I hope to teach everyone about the cultural differences and share my families plan on how we will attempt to bridge these differences to live comfortably and fully enjoy our experience here. Along our way we expect to hit some roadblocks, but in the end we hope to be able to become more diverse and develop a better understanding of what is outside of the only world that we knew of.
I will post frequently. I have a lot of catching up to do, so I will start by posting our first two weeks here a little at a time.